Hello, my name is
Crow Jonah Norlander.
I live in Maine with my family of humans and hounds.
You can email me but only if you can promise not to be trying to sell me something or steal something from me: crow@crowjonah.com
If you wanna know when I do things, you can sign up for my newsletter by giving me your email address:
- It Takes a Developing Strength [Neutral Spaces Magazine]
- Dress Form [Scaffold]
- Unkept Uncle [House of Vlad]
- In The Yard [Rejection Letters]
- No Nightmare [Juked]
- Molly on the Mantle [Peach Magazine]
- Welcome to Warehouse [FENCE]
- Debted [Maudlin House]
- Deflations [HAD]
- Joiner [Hobart]
- Hairstyle Eras [New World Writing]
- Reign in Bliss [Hobart]
- Three Tinies [Neutral Spaces Magazine]
- A Thousand Percent Sure [Maudlin House]
- Happy Accident [Back Patio]
- It Became Medically Necessary [HAD]
- All Of Us Have It [Hobart]
- Body Betrayal [X-R-A-Y]
- Higher Power [Instant, A Literary Magazine]
- That Empire of Dirt? All Mine [Spectra]
- Has Anyone Ever Felt This Before? [Swamp]
- For This to Work, You’ll Have to Know What I Mean By Warm Fuzzy Feeling [Neutral Spaces Magazine]
- Reframe (work/home) [Forever Mag]
- Line-broken Things [Stay Safe]
- 🖐 [HAD]
- A Void for my Collection [Expat]
- Trumpbux [Zac Smith's Quaranzine]
- “unlikely to condemn” and “different circumstances” [Hobart]
- @MEGAFAUNA.TAT2 [Farewell Transmission]
- The Body as Tool: A Conversation with Rita Bullwinkel [Los Angeles Review of Books]
- A Conversation with Tom Comitta [BOMB Magazine]
- Responding to Animals: Kathryn Scanlan Interviewed [BOMB Magazine]
- Forging Something Succulent: A Conversation with Jordan Castro [Los Angeles Review of Books]
- Maybe Then I’ll Be Cured: An Interview with Graham Irvin [Hobart]
- Normal/Fine/Fucked: Zac Smith Interviewed [BOMB Magazine]
- Sentenced to Life: A Garielle Lutz Roundtable [BOMB Magazine]
- Insinuative Curvilinearities: A Conversation With Garielle Lutz [The Rumpus]
- Editor Edition: Cimmone x Norlander x Devane [Micro Podcast]